Thursday, November 15, 2007

Accused and Acquitted

"One single offence brought condemnation, but now, after many offences, have come that free gift and so acquittal!" (Romans 5: 16)

In February, 1999, I confided the reflection below on the above text to my journal.

"Once upon a time, a certain big man was tried for many offences and was acquitted by the senate.

Jesus Christ is the Senate who through his passion and death and resurrection acquitted us of so many offences. This acquittal is a free gift. I experienced a joy in the acquittal of the man tried by the senate. Do I realize the significance of this incident to my own acquittal?

The devil, the accuser of man goes before the Senate, Jesus Christ and presents a list of all my sins with proofs. After he had carefully presented his case, my Advocate swings into action. He overcomes his argument one by one. Then comes my acquittal.

Thank you Jesus. Now that I am acquitted, I will no longer submit to the yoke of slavery."

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