Saturday, November 01, 2008

Peace of Christ

"The Lord says, peace I leave with you, my own peace I give you; not as the world gives, do I give, alleluia." (John 14: 27)

Pax Christi – Deep contentment in the heart. Trust in God at all times and in everything.

Awareness of the nearness of Jesus everywhere at all times no matter the condition. Awareness that Jesus is in control.

We appropriate this peace of Christ every day. You ask the question: "How about the peace I appropriated yesterday's morning?" Answer: "That was for yesterday." Jesus says: "My own peace I give you; not as the world gives." He gives His peace as we appropriate it day by day. The world pretends to give its peace once and for all. After we appropriate the peace of Christ early in the morning, we defend this treasure against all threats everywhere and at all times. St. Peter warns us that our mortal enemy, the devil prowls constantly seeking the ruin of this peace.

Similarly, early in the morning, we offer our entire life – time, talent and treasure to Jesus. In exchange, we appropriate His peace, protection, provision, power, pardon and purpose for the rest of the day. We place our entire life and fortune in His loving and all powerful providence. We remain vigilant against all threats to the trust we place on Christ in the course of the day.

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