Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Stand your ground

“But Moses answered the people, “Do not fear! Stand your ground and see the victory the LORD will win for you today. For these Egyptians whom you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you have only to keep still.” (Exodus 14: 13 – 14)

In Ephesians 6, St. Paul urges us to put on the full armor.  Nehemiah commands his fellow citizens rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem to be fully armed at all times.  The enemy may sneak in like the thief in the night.  Exodus 14: 13 – 14 is one of my treasured weapons of warfare.  I still remember the night I opened a Gordon bible in a hotel room and it fell to this passage.  I was in this midst of a professional crisis that could cost me my job.  I was very fearful.  The command, “Do not fear!” was very welcome.  What follows the command was music to my heart.  There is a promise of victory that will be brought about by the Lord.  Could this be true?  My enemies seemed formidable.  There was nothing I could do against them or even to protect myself.  But the promise of this powerful word of God finishes the job with:  “The LORD will fight for you; you have only to keep still.”  Strong faith is born in desperate circumstances.  My situation was desperate enough.  I decided to believe.  The Lord fought for me and I had such an unbelievable victory that people asked, “What happened? 

Victory comes from the Lord!

Today, I fight a different warfare.  The war is to have the peace of Christ reign over my health, family, money, job, tools, food and future.  I take two lessons from Exodus 14: 13-14:

  1.       Do not fear.
  2.        The Lord will fight for you.
  3. I  surrender all the war zones to the Lord and keep still.  Victory comes from the Lord!

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