Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Grace of the Present Moment

"The duties of each moment are shadows which hide the action of the divine will.
The angel told Mary:  "The power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow" (Luke 1: 35).  Now this shadow is whatever duty, temptation, or trial that every moment presents to us.  It is exactly like those natural shadows which veil and hide objects from our sight.  These ever-present duties conceal the fact that they are expressions of the divine will.............

But what was the bread that nourished the faith of Mary and Joseph?  It was the sacrament of the moment.  But what did they experience beneath an existence apparently filled with nothing but humdrum happenings?  On the surface it was similar to everyone around them, but faith, piercing the superficialities, disclosed that God was accomplishing very great things."
(Abandonment to Divine Providence, by Jean-Pierre de Caussade, SJ)

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