Tuesday, July 02, 2019

To believe and trust is human.

"DO not be unbelieving, but believe.” (John 20: 27).

Wednesday of the 13th week in Ordinary Time is the feast of St Thomas the Apostle. Remember Thomas, the one who is nicknamed the Doubter? "I will not believe until I see. Until I touch." His feast day gives us the opportunity to reflect on why his unbelief was sharply rebuked by Jesus:
"STOP doubting and believe.” (John 20: 27 NIV).

Trust and belief comes naturally to most of us and we exercise this human trait continually every day.
We trust that our doctor knows what he is doing. We trust the pharmacist that the medication is not poison. We trust that the traffic light is programmed correctly. Husband and wife demonstrate trust of each other several times a day.

God created us to be trusting. Society can not function without the exercise of trust. But trust relies on one critical and often unspoken factor: Credible Witness. Thomas the Doubter was rebuked by Jesus because he doubted the credible witnesses (11 Apostles, Mary Magdalene, etc) who told him with certainty that Christ Jesus had risen and appeared to them.

I have never seen Jesus in the flesh. But I see and touch His Church every day. I believe because I believe in the 2000 years unbroken witness of the Church. Anywhere I am in this world, the Church is there for me to see and touch.

If you are one of those waiting for the mountain to come to you before you believe, Jesus says to you NOW: "Stop doubting and believe.”

Daily Bible Verse @

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