"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings glad tidings of peace, bearing good news, announcing salvation!" (Isaiah 52: 7).
Friday of the 28th week in Ordinary Time. The feet of St Luke the Evangelist are the beautiful feet that bring glad tidings of peace, good news and the message of salvation. Today, the universal Church celebrates the feast of St Luke and rejoices in his gift to the Church.
Who is Luke? "A physician from Antioch, he converted to Christianity and accompanied Paul on two of his journeys. The author of both the third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles, Luke devotes attention to Christ's birth and childhood as well as to the universality of Redemption." (Roman Missal).
The narratives of Sacred Scripture provides us motivation and examples to guide our lives. God chose Luke the Evangelist to labor through preaching and writing. Through his writings, Luke provided us a permanent record of salvation history.
“The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest." (Luke 10: 2).
Is the Lord speaking to you through the above Scripture? Perhaps you too are chosen to go and bear fruit that will remain. If you do not go, no one will fulfill the task marked out for you from eternity.
Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com

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