Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Who is your security?

"In God I trust; I shall not fear." (Psalm 56: 5).

Thursday 23 January 2020 in the 2nd Week of Ordinary Time.

Our Scripture today is from the Responsorial Psalm 56: "In God I trust; I shall not fear." What do you do when your foundations are shaken and are collapsing before your eyes. Consider for a moment the following areas the foundations of your life:
Family, health, money, job, tools and possessions, food and future.

Who is your security? If your security is not God, you will not be unable to fall sleep. I have been there. I know the Before and After experience. When I made the Lord Jesus Christ my Security, after a couple of years, I came to understand what true peace is. Peace that passes all understanding. It passes all understanding because all your foundations may have collapsed but it doesn't matter because you know your Security is in firm control of the situation. Your calm and peace is how you know that God is on your side.

The measure of true peace and security is not a feeling of "peace" when everything is rosy in all your boundaries: Family, health, money, job, tools and possessions, food and future. Jesus promises that in the world, we shall have trouble. But Jesus also promises that because He has overcome the world, we can experience a new type of peace. A peace that exists in the depth of our soul irrespective of external circumstances. This type of peace is one of the sweetest experiences in life. When you experience it, your faith and love for Jesus will grow deeply.

The Lord is my security, I shall not fear.

Daily Bible Verse @

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