Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Feast of St Maria Faustina, Apostle of Mercy.

 "The condition regarding every good prayer: Humility, perseverance, matters in conformity with God's will, then you can expect the fulfillment of Christ's promises." (St Maria Faustina).

“Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples.” He said to them, “When you pray, say:
Father, hallowed be your name, your Kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us, and do not subject us to the final test.”  (Luke 11: 1... 4).

Wednesday 5th October 2022 of the 27th Week of Ordinary Time is the feast of the Apostle of Mercy, St Maria Faustina Kowalski (1905 - 1938). Polish. Nun of the Blessed Sacrament.

Jesus Christ our Merciful Savior communicated with St Maria Faustina His desire to have the Divine Mercy Devotion established. Maria was not well educated but she worked very hard to accomplish this divine purpose. Before she died in 1938, she left the world a book which has since become a classic: "Diary of St Maria Faustina Kowalski." This book recounts the conversations of the mystic, Maria Faustina had with Jesus. This book is instrumental in the establishment of the Divine Mercy Devotions.

In Our Gospel of today, Jesus teaches His disciples and ourselves how to pray. The OUR FATHER or the LORD'S PRAYER is the Prayer known and recited by all Christians. It is the model of what a pleasing Prayer to God should be. It lays down the sequence and order of both our praises and prayer intentions  according to St Augustine.

Let us reflect on the Our Father Prayer:

#1. Can you truly call God
FATHER, if you do not demonstrate this relationship in daily living?

#2.   Can you say HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME, if you , who are called by His name, do not endeavor to live a holy life?

#3.  Can you say YOUR KINGDOM COME, if you are unwilling to embrace God's sovereignty and accept Kingdom principles in your life.

#4.  Can you ask God with confidence GIVE US EACH DAY OUR DAILY BREAD if you refuse to work or if you refuse to share your bread with the needy?


#6. Do you understand what you pray when you say AND DO NOT SUBJECT US TO THE FINAL TEST?
Are you prepared to put on the full armor of Christian warfare at all times and fight for Christian victory?

Jesus entrusted the Divine Mercy Devotion to Sister Maria Faustina. Maria did not have a theological education. No PhD. No Masters degree. Barely literate. This is the person Jesus chose to be His Secretary in the Divine Mercy project. Maria needed only one thing: Complete trust in Jesus. This is grace that No one can take from her.

The Divine Mercy Devotion may be summarized through the ABC of Mercy:

A = Ask for mercy.
B = Be Merciful.
C = Completely trust Jesus for mercy.

To learn how to recite the Divine Mercy Rosary, click on the link below:

"My Father’s goodness and love remain hidden from so many souls. They have not understood that I came into the world to reveal My Father who is all love, and to draw souls to Him in filial confidence and in the joy of abandonment to His goodness. Love our Father. Trust our Father. Depend upon our Father in every weakness. This revelation of God as a Father who cherishes His children, and so loves them that He sent Me, His only-begotten Son, into the world to suffer and to die, lies at the very heart of My Gospel. Love My Father and open your heart to the immensity of His love for you. Thus will you become for Him, in Me, a beloved son in whom He takes delight." (IN SINU JESU, Monday, March 21, 2011).

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