Monday, August 05, 2024



"Jesus took Peter, James, and his brother John, and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves.

"And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white, such as no fuller on earth could bleach them. 

"Then Elijah appeared to them along with Moses, and they were conversing with Jesus.

"Then Peter said to Jesus in reply, “Rabbi, it is good that we are here! Let us make three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”

"He hardly knew what to say, they were so terrified. Then a cloud came, casting a shadow over them; from the cloud came a voice, “This is my be­loved Son. Listen to him.” 

Suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone but Jesus alone with them.

As they were coming down from the mountain, he charged them not to relate what they had seen to anyone, except when the Son of Man had risen from the dead. So they kept the matter to themselves, questioning what rising from the dead meant." (Mark 9: 2 - 10).

Tuesday August 6th 2024 in the 18th Week in Ordinary Time is the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. 

What is the Transfiguration?

"In the presence of Peter, James and John, witnesses chosen by Him, Jesus' face and clothing became dazzling with light. Moses and Elijah were present conversing with Jesus. The voice of the Father was heard testifying "This is My beloved Son. Listen to Him."

Why is the Transfiguration such an important event?

#1 There were three eye witnesses to the testimony of the Father to Jesus as the beloved Son of God.

#2 The Transfiguration confirms the testimony of Moses and Elijah. [the Law and the Prophet].

#3. The Event shows clearly the divinity of Jesus as God.

#4 The Transfiguration reveals the future of mankind. We shall be like Jesus at the Resurrection.

#5 We note the command of the Father in the Transfiguration to listen to Jesus as the Father's anointed Messenger.

These three witnesses of the Transfiguration: Peter, James and John were to become witnesses to the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ. They bore witness to these eye witness events with their lives. Our faith as Christians is built on solid foundation and not on "cleverly deviced myths." (2 Peter 1: 16 - 19)

The Transfiguration of Jesus gives us a foretaste of Christ's second coming when the Elect will be transformed and become like Jesus as He appeared in the Transfiguration. The Transfiguration prepares us for the great mystery of our own Resurrection.

Because of the Transfiguration, we see Christ as our hope. We also understand that the victory over death and sin will come via the Cross. 

 The Cross is the Means of Salvation, Redemption, Glorification and Eternal life. This is the gracious and mysterious will of the Father. This is the Full Truth of the Gospel. 

We honor the Immaculate Heart of Mary in August. 

 Mary says: "In the end. My Immaculate Heart will triumph." 

Honor the Immaculate Heart of Mary this August. For devotions, prayers, litany and pray requests, click the link below:

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