"While they were all amazed at his every deed, Jesus said to his disciples,
“Pay attention to what I am telling you.

"The Son of Man is to be handed over to men.”
“But they did not understand this saying; its meaning was hidden from them so that they should not understand it, and they were afraid to ask him about this saying." (Luke 9: 43 - 45).
Saturday 28th September 2024 of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time is the feast of St Lawrence Ruiz and Companion Martyrs. Today is also the feast of St Wenceslaus, Martyr.

Our short Gospel for today is the Second Prediction of the Passion of Jesus. Jesus instructs us to pay attention to the predictions of His Passion. "The Son of Man is to be handed over to men.”

Here are other renditions of this text:
"Listen carefully to what I am about to tell you: The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men.” (NIV).
“Listen to me and remember what I say. The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of his enemies.” (NLT).
"Let these words sink into your ears: the Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men [whose conduct is opposed to God]." (AMPC).
Did the Apostles heed Jesus advice? They did not and this is the reason why they all took to flight at Gethsemane.
Note carefully that the Father allowed His Son to be delivered into the hands of wicked men. Why? The Father had decided that the Cross is the Means of Salvation for all mankind.
The Cross is the Way to glory.
The Cross is the Way to freedom.
No Cross, No crown. No Salvation.
The absolute necessity of the Cross is the Full Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
How does the message of the Cross seat with the 21st century Christians? The Cross contradicts totally all prosperity gospels. All wishful thinking about how we want the kingdom of God to be. The Cross is at the Center of the Salvation Drama.
God the Father wills that All men should be saved. How? Through the Cross.
Take up your cross and follow me, Jesus pleads. Our daily cross may relate to health, family, job, money, children, house, car, etc.
All the myriad of issues that trouble and deplete us are our blessed crosses.
No cross is an accident.
Every cross is preordained; tailored to fit the individual. The Holy Spirit helps us to understand the mystery of the Cross in our lives. He assists us to bear the gentle yoke of Christ.
The Blessed Virgin Mary whom we honor each day of September understands the Cross very intimately. She is the only human being that knows Jesus from womb to tomb. For that, she deserves our profound respect and gratitude.
"Yes, my beloved little son, the eighth sorrow of my maternal and Immaculate Heart is that my Son is so offended in the Sacrament of His love. This sorrow of mine will endure until the end of time, when the real presence of my Son in the Most Holy Sacrament will give way to the sight of His divine majesty. Then will faith give way to vision, and hope to possession. Then will love be secure and everlasting for all who will have died in the embrace of His divine friendship." (IN SINU JESU, Thursday, September 15, 2011).
In September, the Church honors the Sorrowful Heart of Mary. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows obtain for us mercies from her Son Jesus.

For Prayers of Consecration to the Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary, Litany, Promises of Mary to those who say the Holy Rosary, etc click the link below:
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