Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Obedience is better than sacrifice.

"But Peter and [John] the apostles said in reply, “We must obey God rather than men." (Acts 5: 29).

Thursday 15th April 2021, in the 2nd Week of Easter.

We must obey God rather than men. A great Christian principle is laid down by the Apostle Peter. This Christian principle will lead many Christians to martyrdom including Peter and all the Apostles.

What is Obedience? Obedience comes from the Latin word "oboedire" which can be translated  as listening to the one speaking to you. We understand this when God complains through His prophets that His people do not listen to His voice. They refused to listen to Him. A child who does not listen to his parents will never obey them. The child does not want the parents to stop his planned course of behavior.

Those who did not listen to God and disobeyed Him include:
Adam and Eve, Saul, the first king of Israel, King Ahaz and a line of rebellious kings after him. God says that disobedience is a criminal offense:

"Rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft, and stubbornness as bad as worshiping idols. ” (1 Samuel 15: 3). God rejected Saul the first king of Israel because of his disobedience.
"So because you have rejected the command of the LORD, he has rejected you as king."

Those who obeyed God:
We must mention first our Leader and Captain, Jesus Christ. He obeyed the Father unto death and set us an example as a faithful and true Witness [Martyr].

Obedience often results in severe persecution. Examples: John the Baptist, the Apostles, Pope St Martin I, St Thomas More, etc. The Roman Martyrology is the record of known martyrs. In its unupdated form, it is bursting with the names of women and men who gave their lives for Jesus. Most of them would not have been condemned if they had chosen to disobey Jesus and obey the worldly powers.

How can you prepare yourself to obey God? Remember the meaning of Obedience. Start with a willingness to listen to God. Commit yourself to listening to God in the Holy Scriptures every day. Through this exercise, the Holy Spirit will transform your mind. A transformed mind is able to discern the will of God in everything. (See Romans 12: 2).
Pray daily for grace to hear God and obey Him.

Ask God daily for the gift of His Awesome Spirit. We hear from Jesus in today's Gospel that the Father does not ration His Spirit. You receive the Holy Spirit in direct proportion to your desire and preparation for the Gift.

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