Saturday, October 02, 2021

Let the children come to Me.

“Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” Then he embraced them and blessed them, placing his hands on them." (Mark 10: 2... 16).

Sunday 3rd October 2021, 27th Week in Ordinary Time.

The kingdom of the God belongs "to such as these." That is, to the childlike. How childlike are you? Scripture teaches that God resists the proud and uplifts the humble. The childlike are humble in their own eyes. They do not walk straight to the front seat or have an air of entitlement.

The childlike recognizes that God is the Father of all human beings and therefore prohibits discrimination between men and women, Jew and Gentile, Black and White.

If you are in Christ, you become a new creation. The old stuff in you has died. The new childlike personality who lives through the power of of Christ in you is the You who blesses the world.

As a baptized Christian, the only thing keeping you from being the childlike Christian you are called to be is Sin. Sin has been dealt with by Jesus Christ the Savior on the Cross. Do not allow the regrets of Sin to depress you. We have in Jesus a faithful and true Advocate who pleads our case before the throne of mercy of God.

Take advantage of this stream of mercy through the readily available Sacrament of Reconciliation today.

"My priests should be the first to seek Me out in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. They should be the first to run to Me as soon as they experience the pangs of an uneasy conscience and the regret of their sinful weaknesses. The single greatest service My priests can offer one another is the readiness to hear each other’s confessions and to pronounce over each other the healing words of absolution. In this way, they carry out the example I gave you when, at the Last Supper, I washed the feet of My disciples. Frequent confession, weekly confession is, more than ever, necessary to My priests." (IN SINU JESU, Thursday, July 31, 2008).

Daily Bible Verse @

1 comment:

  1. Why did you not comment on the primary scripture of today,marriage between one man and one woman? You also misquoted Galatians 3:28. Please leave ideology out of your daily verse. Your subtle progressive ideology skews the Good News.

